Will I work in Antarctica this year? Which parts of the process will happen?
resolved Jul 30
Scheduled an interview for the first role
Interview gut check [Resolves % to how well I think it went]
Passed an interview round
Acquired relevant work and skill certifications
Got a job offer
Accepted job offer
Passed the background check ("EBI")
Passed the medical, drug, and dental exams
Fulfilled visa and travel prereqs
Got on first flight
"On the Ice" (Arrive in Antarctica) [I prob won't have internet down there. Resolution may be significantly delayed]
Completed full term of employment (6-ish months, apparently a not-insignificant amount of people quit early)
Accepted an offer to winter-over
Completed winter-over term

I applied to work in Antarctica for the coming austral summer. I'd LOVE to go. If I went, I would arrive October-ish. Antarctica, as you likely know, has a bunch of research bases, and I applied to go through the US program, which has 3 stations. I'm not a science PhD, but luckily for me they have need of a whole town's worth of folks to keep the lights on, the masses fed, and the shit and trash removed from the continent.

I applied for a bunch of roles in food service, lodging, waste management, and sys-ops. I've been told the jobs down there are very competitive but that those first three were my best chance. My application passed the first round of vetting for some of the food service and lodging roles, which suits me great as I like roles that allow me to have more person-to-person interaction. Then I was told to wait for a hiring manager to reach out.

I hadn't heard anything for a couple of months so I figured I was iced in the not-fun way. But today I got an email asking to schedule an interview. There was a sneaky gotcha in the request that I realized after I hit send on my response, so we'll see if the process keeps going.

What parts of this process will I succeed in? Any special resolutions (like interview gut check) will have notes in the answer. If I am informed of more steps, I'll add 'em. All of these are required and any NO can force resolution on the rest (-> NO), except stuff like "Scheduled an interview" as I have applied for multiple roles.

This market is about the 2024-2025 season, so while most of these resolve in 2024, a few of the later ones might not resolve until well into 2025 and the close date reflects this.

Happy to share more info if wanted, at my discretion ofc.

As this is an aspirational Personal Goals market, I will only bet YES and never sell. Feel free to bet against me!

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The answer is in: I'm out of the running. Thanks for going on this journey with me.

oh no - I'm so sorry Pat! 🧡

Nooo! 😔

Really sorry to hear that, Pat. Hopefully the application process improves in the future and you get another shot!

So sorry to hear that, dude. Really hope you get another shot at it if you're up for it!


I just got a very confusing NPQ that cites a disorder I have. It states: the condition hasn't been stable for >12 months, and that would preclude me from a winter-over. Which is wild because it's been stable for years, which my doc attested to in a letter, and I wasn't even offered a winter-over.

So, anyway, it looks like I now have to point out their errors and maybe apply for an NPQ Waiver (which could take months, potentially too long).

This wasn't unexpected but the way it was presented makes me feel like they didn't even really review my medical history as thoroughly as they claimed and has me blindsided.

I'm getting nothing but crickets from the Antarctica team, which is stalling my waiver process. Every day makes this look less and less likely from where I'm standing

Current news is that they're getting my emails but their emails haven't been reaching me for a month. Yes, I check Spam daily. I also looked through all my DNS settings and everything is golden on my end. There's some error on their end and I think it's gonna kill the opportunity

Which mail systems do you and they use?

I mean gmail/yahoo etc

they use a gov't address (usap.gov). not sure on the host.

I use a custom domain forwarded to yahoo

opened a Ṁ500 Completed full term ... YES at 95% order

yall are pretty confident in me, so I've pushed 500 mana YES limits @ 95% for everything but the winter-over options, and I'll bet up the winter-overs a bit. feel free to correct if desired

latest update:

things are progressing well now. there was another call today and I learned that starlink is basically everywhere down there these days, so all the old advice about "don't expect any internet access" isn't as true as it once was. y'all might not be able to get rid of me after all.

I think this info also has relevance for @strutheo markets:



looks like you might get starlink soon at least, hope thats better than what we read about

Update: my medical has been assessed! I have to get a waiver for a condition from my doctor, and then I should be cleared! appointment for that is set in early July

just got off an info call for the program, and figured out that I'm a "Primary" (somehow missed that originally), rather than an "Alternate". Working hard to get everything else cleared though time runs short, but it looks like it's a proper offer and I've accepted it. Resolving both of those YES.

@Stralor additional note: I discovered that I wasn't marked as an alternate for winter, so it's unlikely I'll be offered a winter over term

@Stralor congratulations!

bought Ṁ40 Fulfilled visa and t... YES

Congrats! This is really cool!

there's been two brand-new hiccups. woo

1) the gov't wants me to submit a permission form via a secure OneDrive link, but msoft's tech is broke and never sends me access links when people send those to me, ever (it's me, im the edge case for all tech to break). when asked about alternate means, the bureaucracy dug in their heels and said I have to submit that way. path forward unclear

2) my dentist doesn't have the records on file for some of the info needed. my next appt is in July and I've coordinated with the people doing the PQ vetting to get that to them then, as well as to refresh everything else on the dental sheets. However, I'm not sure if that will end up cutting it too close to hard deadlines, like if i end up needing work done, or maybe ill lose my spot in line bc of it

Acquired relevant work and skill certifications

afaik this is done. resolving

I did the fingerprinting today and sent that on its way. I don't expect any issues but who knows maybe my old explosives license will bring up questions

the last of my immediate medical appointments is this week. hoping to get the PQ packet sent off soon.

@Stralor let's do a mock interview

Sir, why do you have an explosives license?

@Odoacre because I used to set off fireworks for for a living

@Stralor we could sure use some festivals down there, might improve morale, you're hired!


festivals down there

Absolutely not. Fireworks are illegal in antarctica.

Antarctic Treaty System.

@Stralor do NOT say you want to improve morale by setting fireworks. Not knowing the treaty would likely be a turn down.

@KongoLandwalker I mean, as an explosives handler I also know that fireworks create a lot of debris and waste that's classified as hazardous when it gets wet. Absolutely not good for environment that needs to stay pristine! it's a good joke tho

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