Conditional on a Democrat winning the U.S. Presidency in 2024, will I think that some Republicans or Republican supporters attempted to use violence to install a different President before the first 3 months of the new administration?
Nov 1

I'm pretty liberal/progressive, but skeptical of hyperbolic claims. I think January 6 would cause this to resolve yes.

Resolves N/A if a Democrat does not win the Presidential Election in 2024.

I will not trade in this market.

For @LivInTheLookingGlass.

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I don't know why this closed already; it should probably stay open until the election?

Thank you 😸

Conditional on a Democrat winning the U.S. Presidency in 2024, will I think that some Republicans or Republican supporters attempted to use violence to install a different President before the first 3 months of the new administration?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition