1 year from the end of the "Bet on Love" dating show, will Manifold staff believe that it was a good idea?
Dec 31
Bet on Love started

Bet on Love is a new dating show Manifold is helping to host, with several contestants competing for the opportunity to date Aella. Manifold will participate by holding prediction markets on whether the contestants involved will stay or be rejected by Aella in their rounds.

Resolves according to Manifold's personal judgement, or to a council of moderators if Manifold doesn't intervene in this market.

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Bet on Love beat expectations, which you can see by the fact that this market jumped 20% after the show started and ended


I propose to a resolve to a vote of us three cofounders (@JamesGrugett, @Austin, me), who are conveniently an odd number.

@SG happy to vote, though fwiw I think "staff" would imply the whole core team

@Austin don't forget me (i'm a very important member

I wish there was a way to view a list of all current staff members, I can't seem to find it anywhere on the site