Will a stage at the 2024 Tour de France be interrupted due to protests?
Jul 22

Resolves YES if during a stage at the 2024 Tour de France protesters stop more than one rider for a least one minute.

Last time that it happened was in 2022 at stage 10: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Tour_de_France,_Stage_1_to_Stage_11#Stage_10

This year Europe is seeing a lot of farmers' protests: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/03/europe/europe-farmers-protests-explainer-intl/index.html

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Does it count if the stage is modified in some way, before it actually causes riders to stop for 1 minute? Like if they make a detour.

@Eliza no, it wouldn't count. I'm interested if the they have to stop the race midway


@egroj I like your optimism