resolved Mar 19
big, if true [image] Unfortunately, British people don't have smartphones yet so there are pictures of her out in public. Bummer.
By April 1st (Post-Easter Sunday)
By Early May Bank Holiday (May 6th)
By the UK General Election (before January 28th, 2025)
By Summer (June 20th)

A public appearance means that she is out in a public area, or at a scheduled appearance, and is in public view for (at least) 30 contiguous seconds. She should generally be unobscured (so not in a car, or behind something translucent or opaque).

If it’s a royal internal event (think inside a castle), and footage is released afterwards, we’ll have to judge if that’s sufficiently “public”.

All true answers will Resolve YES. I won’t be betting here.

If you’re looking for a similar market with a June timeframe, try Kevin’s market (note, slightly different criteria):

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Do you believe she could look happy and relaxed while exiting car, entering shop and returning to car within 30 seconds. Sounds rather rushed more than relaxed. The claim seemed to require she is in unobscured public view for 30 seconds not that she is filmed for that long in public, or has this changed?

@ChristopherRandles let me look into this more seriously

@ChristopherRandles @traders ok, i’m fairly convinced that the TMZ video is real, but as the last image we got was faked, I’m going to give this another day to make sure there’s no scandal with this appearance. otherwise, i do count the 3sec clip as evidence they were out longer (again, assuming it’s not “killed”).

@mattyb alright, I’ve given this time. We now have, “palace sources” saying, “The footage of Kate Middleton’s visit to a local farm shop should be enough to quell wild conspiracy theories about her health” (sadly NYPost).

I don’t think the royal family is going to deny this, and if they do, multi markets can now be unresolved.

Not sure this quite counts as a full 30s of footage but Kate is BACK. the farm story was real?????

Unfortunately, British people don't have smartphones yet so there are pictures of her out in public. Bummer.

@Ziddletwix oh! if you can find a 30sec video. this could resolve

bought Ṁ100 By April 1st (Post-E... YES

Oh my god they sent her to live on a farm.


big, if true

Example for clarification: what if Kate attends church on Easter, so she was clearly around the “public” in some sense, but it’s possible there would be no official footage, less than 30 contiguous seconds between church and car, and the public might not be allowed open access to the church. If there’s consensus in the media that she attended, would that count?

@Ziddletwix yes, that would count. the church is sufficiently public, as long as she stays there for more than 30secs, it would suffice

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