Bay Area Bingo: what will I experience/encounter while living here for two months?
resolved Aug 20
learn a new skill from someone (and post in the comments)
meet a filmmaker by chance and learn about their project
Feel an earthquake
interview for a job
finally launch that Substack idea and post for 30 days straight
Receive a third green bracelet
See someone wearing clothing in support of Trump (unironically)
See a whale
Swim in the ocean/bay
See the state bird of California (California Quail)
go on a date with a tech bro
Go to a redwood tree forest or a park
volunteer (for a cause/organisation)
a friend visits from out of state
Be run over by a driverless car
play a board game that involves complex trade negotiations and game theory
join a polycule
volunteer (at an event)
fall in love
walk across the Golden Gate Bridge

all my past bingo markets have been really fun (and my affinity for marketable scavenger hunts remains high) so I'm back for another round:

after spending ~10 days in Berkeley for LessOnline/SummerCamp/Manifest, I've accepted an offer to look after someone's house and kitten in SF. I'll be staying here (in the south side of the city) until mid-August, at least. if I decide to stick around, this market still only counts for the time of my sit which is set to end 17 August.

open for responses! add suggestions of things I should do/see or things you think I may encounter - if you prefer, comment with a suggestion and I'll add it for you.

if something resolves and you think it may happen again, feel free to add it back. I'm not likely to do sightseeing things or "try this restaurant" sort of stuff more than once for the sake of the market, but things like "learn a skill" or "talk to a stranger about something they're passionate about" and the like will hopefully resolve yes over and over.

Relevant bits:

  • I'm already here in SF.

    • I used to come here every month to spend a weekend with a friend, but that was a long time ago and it's been a while (years) since I've been in the city.

  • I'd love to add events and things that are coming up as a way of tracking suggestions!

  • I have a car and a bicycle.

  • The kitten has an auto feeder so I have flexibility in the day - happy for suggestions outside the city/day trips.

  • I'm not much of a "top things to do in..." type, and keen for some more irreverent suggestions. Don't be shy.

  • I love restaurant/market/food recs but I don't eat much meat (mostly chicken and fish when I do).

  • I'll take photos for posterity when I can.

I'd like to resolve lots of Yes answers! I'll bet on this market in the direction I think is most likely and won't change my bet at a late stage. I will adjust bets as time goes on, though, to reflect what seems realistic.

I'll resolve n/a at my discretion but count on it for junk or spam answers including really easy Yeses (yes, I plan to wake up each day) or really easy Nos (no, I won't yell insults at Elon from outside of the twitter office) or absurd/impossible ones (no, I'm not going to pack it all in and hike the PCT). just play nice and add real things, okay? ๐Ÿงก

If you want to take some inspiration from past travel bingo markets:





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@jdilla Alcatraz is still on my list - I tried to book a couple of weeks ago but every trip for every day for more than two weeks was sold out! bad news for those of us who don't want to commit to full day excursions far in advance lol

Next time!

bought แน€100 Answer #4yncsd63u6 YES

I'll get a video to share later today but I've taught the cat to sit and I now know it's reliable that he does it every time ๐Ÿˆ

A video, I can't wait ๐Ÿ˜

I've taught him to sit, and to sit on a stool to watch in the kitchen instead of getting up on the island ๐Ÿ˜ป

I still think Bini dancing on the countertop would make for a better video


Yeah, and pls tell the owners to call me next time before they name a cat


I'll get a video to share later today

You know how to break a guy's heart

eek - I've been hosting a friend in from out of town all weekend and got busy and forgot. I'll see if we can get one today ๐Ÿˆ

Video gif. A tabby cat looking into and reaching up toward a fisheye camera, as its face presses up to the lens.

gave a new friend some lemons from my tree ๐Ÿ‹

didn't realize it but I've just arrived at an event and into a debate club lol

boughtแน€50fall in love NO

@AndrewG ๐Ÿฅบ

bought แน€30 fall in love YES

He's wrong, it's the summer of love ๐Ÿงก

congrats ๐Ÿงก

@traders I'm going to try to do some of these things in the next couple of days then I think I'm just going to cancel the rest of this market. I'll give it through the weekend.

bought แน€75 Answer #6h01hiwscd YES

canceled for now but this is still a likely yes

apparently I met Squirtle in passing today

@snazzlePop I'm at a launch party and a guy just told me about a place in Oakland that's building the (a?) temple for BM

a friend just fist bumped a robot that is making faces at people so this one is a yes ๐Ÿค–

can't resolve this more than once but I've heard a lot about a lot of things today:

  • Superconductors

  • Circuit boards

  • Dualism/the mind-body problem

  • Intuition

  • Architectural history

  • Healing from primal wounds

  • Positive returns on small talk

thank you @PaulHan

boughtแน€50Answer #6giokd68t7 NO

@AndrewG ๐Ÿฅฒ

@Nikos waymo account confirmed lfg

I hear they are really nice, let me know how it goes!

cc @dreev ๐Ÿฅฒ