resolved Jan 10
accidentally see something I recognise from Seinfeld
reunite/reconnect with an old friend
Attend an OBNYC (NYC rationalists) meetup
Eat a bagel!
See the Statue of Liberty πŸ—½
Discover how bagels *should* taste, get spoilt for life
have a NY Manifold Meetup? (3 January - UWS)
Order a bacon egg and cheese (or personal preference equivalent ie egg and cheese/bacon and egg) from a deli that also sells laundry detergent
feel colder on average through your trip than you would have in Seattle
Grab coffee with me, Sundry (@oh)
See a rat in the subway
Try a cuisine you never tried before
Go see a play
Have a vegan or vegetarian meal at a restaurant for cuisine that is not typically associated with vegan or vegetarian food. Ie Bodhi Kosher Chinese in china town
convince three Manifold newcomers to sign up and bet on this market
talk to a stranger about something they're passionate about
Walk the High Line
Buy a Best of Puzzles for Progress book ($10) at the MoMath (Museum of Math) gift shop
walk 30k steps in one day
Go to a speakeasy/secret bar

I can't really sit still too long. I've been sitting still too long in Seattle.
I've just booked a trip to NYC and it feels like the perfect bingo/scavenger hunt destination...

I've been inspired by the bingo markets for @ManifoldLive (hat tip @Joshua) and, fully accepting that this market may not get the visibility it needs to build a really colourful list, I want to play.

This is a free response market. Add suggestions of things I should do/see, or things you think I may encounter in my two weeks there.

Relevant bits:

  • my trip is 26/12-8/1

  • I'm subletting an apartment, so hotel-related responses less likely to resolve yes

  • I've taken 2023 off alcohol; that said, I love going to bars and talking to strangers so related responses are probably a good bet regardless of whether I drink in 2024

  • I'm single, traveling solo

  • I'm not currently on @ManifoldLove but considering joining and trying my luck at my own NY RomCom?

  • I'm not much of a "top things to do in..." type, and keen for some more irreverent suggestions

    • feel free to add things that can happen without my intention/intervention like "see a marriage proposal" or "be insulted by a well-dressed woman"

  • I'll take photos for posterity on relevant resolutions

I haven't decided whether I'll bet on this market, but I'm personally interested in resolving as many yes answers as I can. will resolve n/a at my discretion, but count on it for answers that are impossible or unavailable to me.

after market close, I will use a randomiser to select one yes and one no resolution for 250 Mana to each submitter.

adding junk responses will result either in an automatic N/A, or my betting it up and resolving to my benefit. but basically, don't do that.

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This market seemed phenomenally successful so I'm trying it out myself!

@Joshua oh nice!!

I didn't expect this market to be as fun as it was.
Thanks everyone for the nice suggestions and advice along the way. You saved me a few times from decision fatigue and as a spontaneous/wandering type, you gave me some nice context so I knew which direction to step when I walked out of my door.

Thanks for being here 🧑

Discover how bagels *should* taste, get spoilt for life

can't believe I'm saying this but @traders this is going to resolve yes. please be friendly amongst yourselves and share the liquidity? I'll resolve when my plane lands. πŸ₯―

@shankypanky until you try NJ bagels

@strutheo thank god no one put that on the list it was hard enough getting to and from Queens for vegan Bolivian food.

sorry @RobertCousineau - I'll try harder next time

it's going to be hilarious if, after all of this, I spot one at the airport

I am shocked you managed to avoid Times Square until now

@Shump I haven't actually I just haven't resolved these yet as I'm also in a personal conflict about it lol

@shankypanky Isn’t that being ambivalent? πŸ˜‚

@NicoDelon it's more complicated than that πŸ˜…

not certain what to do with this one as I haven't bought a pretzel on the street and I don't imagine I will before I go. this one is more about the feeling than the pretzel - I'm leaning toward n/a since I didn't get one?

@shankypanky NA is fine with me. Less disappointing than a pretzel.

@NicoDelon πŸ˜… the pretzels really let you down hey

(I was preconditioned for disappointment here so it likely would have skewed my experience πŸ₯¨)

@shankypanky I think the natural interpretation of this should be "no" (since not buying it at all is a subset of not both buying and being sorely disappointed), but oh well.

@ShakedKoplewitz this was my debate. I thought better to return everyone's investment since I was torn. I appreciate your perspective

@shankypanky yeah that's a reasonable safe middle ground

@ShakedKoplewitz I'm saving the most stressful resolutions for last because of this πŸ˜…

I’m interpreting this one as basically β€œHave you pooped in the past two weeks?”

like what? Halal carts?

@shankypanky any street food, really; NYC has so much (i went there a few times before)

@duck_master I love street food and I'll try but it's a bit of a stretch at this stage - I'm leaving Monday

there's tons of great street food around for sure

(ngl I've got to go on a water fast when I wrap up this trip - too much good food too many snacks)

Go to a speakeasy/secret bar

@ShakedKoplewitz didn't make it to the ice cream shop but there's a speakeasy behind a doughnut shop in bk 🍩

@shankypanky Ooh where?