What percentage of Manifold users will think that they can defeat a Goose in a 1 on 1 fight?
resolved May 28
Resolved as

Will resolve to a percentage determined by poll after market closes.

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Most people couldn't do this, but I'm a licensed nuclear submarine operator, I could take a goose easy.

bought Ṁ10 NO

geese are fucking terrifying. have you ever actually gone toe to toe with a goose? I have. they have NO REMORSE NO HONOR

bought Ṁ1 NO

@strutheo I don’t understand the nature of betting here — is there actually a potential return upon resolution or are we just donating mana to the poll?

@SusanneinFrance this market will resolve to a percentage, there are some calculations around how the payout works for that . basically the closer you are to the final percent, the more mana you make

@strutheo Thanks!


from a poll


Geese suck at fighting. They literally have a giant skinny neck you can just grab, and all they can really do to you is peck you with a beak that isn't pointy. Easy money. Their main advantage is that they are good at making a bunch of noise and looking scary.

2 traders bought Ṁ60 YES

@Tumbles But they are unexpectedly large, heavy and dense, have incredibly strong beaks, can squawk While Biting You and Not Letting Go and their silly short legs and flapper feet can dig in and hold you in place … til help comes 😂