Will Primoz Roglic finish the 2024 Tour de France without getting sick (during the race or prep)?
Aug 1

There has to be a report of illness. As he is a riding a very limited schedule, any illness AFTER Itzulia Basque Country would be eligible.

Crashes do not count as illness.
The exact illness doesn't have to be known.

Illnesses can be reported until the 31st July 2024. So, over a week after the Tour.

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Why is this so low, are illness so common in the peloton? Or is there gossip that he's sick right now?

predicts NO

@egroj Illnesses are very very common among Bora riders.

Kämna was sick last Giro. Schachmann has been sick continuously for the past 2 seasons now.

I admit it is a bit memey, but Bora definitely has some struggles to keep their riders healthy.

predicts YES

@Checktaschu thanks, then I'll keep betting this up =)

predicts NO

Just so everyone is 100% clear, he has to ride and complete the entire race AND also not get sick during the race or in the time before.

If he does not complete the race -> resolves No
If he does not start the race -> resolves No
If he gets sick at any point and there is a report of it -> resolves No

Is that right, @Checktaschu

predicts YES

@Eliza That sounds like my intention. Yes that is right.

He is riding for Bora-hansgrohe now. So it should be sitting around 95%.

@Checktaschu Belgian bronchitis incoming

predicts YES

@Checktaschu 95%??
Taschu? are you drunk?

You mean 5%.