Jul 15

This market is an independent multi-choice, so as teams are eliminated from the group stage, options will start to resolve.

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Germany v Turkey final hosted in Germany is pretty much scripted at this point.

bought Ṁ61 Netherlands YES

Since EURO 2004, if a referee was selected to officiate the final, his country would go to the final in the following EURO edition.

  • In EURO 2004, referee Markus Merk from Germany officiated the final between Portugal and Greece. Germany then went to the final of EURO 2008.

  • In EURO 2008, Italian referee Roberto Rosetti officiated the final between Spain and Germany. Italy then went to the final of EURO 2012.

  • In EURO 2012, Portuguese referee Pedro Proença officiated the final between Spain and Italy. Portugal went to the final of EURO 2016.

  • In EURO 2016, English referee Mark Clattenburg officiated the final between France and Portugal. England went to the final of EURO 2020.

  • EURO 2020, the referee selected for the final was Björn Kuipers from Netherlands.

What is the theory of the causal relationship here?

I will keep shorting my own country, it is a win win!

Big country go final. Big country have ref.


The Round of 16 is set! Is there a dark horse emerging from the Bavarian Alps on the horizon? ⛰

I've got my own projections, but good to know what will happen if the teams all play the tournament over and over again 1000 times.

bought Ṁ14 Portugal YES

my down neck niggas never let me down. rolando be sending young ones to check themselves out, doin blood work making sure they got enough t for bustin it down. leave a man limp thinkin

bought Ṁ50 Croatia YES

Croatia is the type of team to shithouse their way to the final. Make it through 3rd in groups, penalties in the round of 16, quarter and semis. I'll take that bet, team is old but not out yet.

Added some subsidy

One shit match because Southgate didn't want to give up the game plan in a match against SERBIA? You have them down 10% and already writing them off? That's wild. This team is winning it whether you like it or not.

@tpking Biggest no position on England?

@MitchellAddington Focus on the cricket! Every year all it is we are hearing it is the England is favorite to win it all. Bunch of lacklusters and overpaid players, now it is in match against Denmark what are you having as the excuses? Bookies must be loving it, like the Charlie Brown football every 2 years with euro and world cup for the poor chaps like you.

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No jack grealish or harry maguire? England is cooked, put a fork in them.

PawelboughtṀ50Answer #ad8831fd5f15 YES

Maybe you have lost your mind? Are you ok? These bananas are not ripe for the picking.

bought Ṁ50 France YES

France is Grape maxxing

@SourGrape Cheers for your health!

bought Ṁ50 England YES

It's coming home


40%? LMFAO 🤣

opened a Ṁ12 Answer #702001bf6492 YES at 1.0% order

These numbers underrate England and France's chances.

@GazDownright I certainly do not think so. Based on my proprietary calculations, I do think we are all in for a big surprise this Summer. Be prepared for a dark horse to appear.

@UniversalFC A dark horse to win has potentially zero implication on the current odds, though. I'd like another Greece story, but the odds for a France England final are higher than reflected here.

@GazDownright I have my own system. You’re just looking at other bookmakers. Brazil was the favorite to win the 2022 World Cup and they didn’t even make it to the final. When I get my hands on more mana I’ll set the odds straight here but you sir, for the moment, you are slightly misaligned.

@UniversalFC You're entitled to your opinions.

@UniversalFC Actually, based on my most recent analysis we are guaranteed to not have an England / France final. This is not a matter of opinion but just straight facts and analysis.

@UniversalFC Turkey??? 😂

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