Who will win Euro 2024?
Jul 16

Resolves to the country that wins the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship. If the same country is entered multiple times, the oldest entry wins.

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Not a fan of South Korea's chances to win.

@mods This market breaks when I try to bet on the 0% options. Can you help? The tournament is coming up in two weeks, and I think it's fair to say that traffic to this market will only continue to increase.

bought Ṁ1 Turkey YES

@GazDownright In what way does it break? Could you describe the problem in more detail?

I just successfully bet M1 Yes on Turkey (was showing 0%). It moved a lot more than I expected (to 9%), though.

@EvanDaniel Sorry, I assumed it would break for you too. Error on mobile that forces me to restart the app:

@GazDownright Thanks! I tried a few more of the options, and it's doing the same thing here now. Maybe I just go lucky on my first test.

@GazDownright I've reported it on the discord server.

@EvanDaniel My pleasure. I also get a similar error message on the web. And thanks for reporting.

@GazDownright Lol, now I get another error after messing around a bit: https://discord.com/channels/915138780216823849/1245732796727824395

@EvanDaniel So far I've spent -6 mana on Turkey 🙃

Edit: it's back to M1 again.

@GazDownright hi! I believe this error is related to dpm conversions -- old market types that were transitioned to the new multi markets. I'll add some liquidity, let me know if there are still issues.

edit: I don't think it's liquidity related ... I'll pass it along as giga-broken for now and see if someone has a fix

@Gen New Severity Level Unlocked

@GazDownright Make a new market and make this one unlisted if it is broken.

bought Ṁ1 South Korea YES

@GazDownright FYI this should be fixed! Let me know if you find other issues

Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).

When I try to buy Yes for Other

If England wins, do they rename it the Pound 2024?

>south korea

@catto It’s happening bro

Why is this at -Ṁ65 in my profit statistics when I haven't bet on it? Should I avoid posting free response questions?

@pav are you sure that Argentina is playing Euro 2024?

@Nikola def no

Anchoring on this: https://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/sports/blog/euro-2020-predictions:-can-belgium-lift-its-first-major-trophy