Will all my players continue their attendance streak until my campaign finale
resolved Feb 12

I have 7 players playing weekly on Saturdays in a campaign I've been running for about a year now. its the second one in my own lil home-brew world with the previous one starting mid 2021.

On the 8th of this month (Jan) I announced to my players that I am wanting to wrap up the campaign as soon as possible and could do so in 4 sessions.

Since this announcement we have managed to do 2 sessions in a row with full attendance, which is an uncommon occurrence given this many players.

I am wondering if this streak will continue until the climatic final session of the campaign which should be next week on the 3rd of Feb (or 4th if that time suits the players more)

Between then and now is another session with (as of time of writing) 6 out of the 7 people saying they can come, the last often responding the day before the Saturday. I'll try to update this when they do so (If I remember)

A 4-week streak is a very rare occurrence these days but my players seem quite receptive to my announcement.

YES: All my players come to the session this week and the session next week.
NO: Any player is unable to come to either of the sessions or if we miss a week's session

Questions about the campaign are welcome as are suggestions on what to do if I turn out to be the absentee.
(I should probably go back to prepping the sessions...)

UPDATE: All the players made it to both sessions but I've had to split the finale into two parts, meaning that a new final session is currently planned for the 11th (Feb). Since the question is specifically for the campaign finale I have decided to extend to then rather then resolve.

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You could punish absent players with character death. If the campaign ends and the characters are abandoned anyways, it could be suitable? Might also add some in-game gravitas for the characters.

@marktwse I have already decided that I will either have all players present or no session at all for the finale. Killing off off characters because their players is absent is quite unfair since there is a multitude of reasons a player cannot make it that are completely out of their control.
Besides my players have put so much creativity into the story though their characters, I think they deserve to see it through.