Will global total CO2 emissions be below 40 billion tons in 2023 as estimated by Our World in Data?
Nov 30

41.06 billion in 2021, 39.32 billion in 2020, 41.64 billion in 2019.


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Given that according to their source 2023 was an all time high I suppose this is going to be NO.


@NicoDelon Iโ€™m a bit confused about the figures for previous years but for last year the GCB says:

The report projects that total global CO2emissions (fossil + land use change) will be 40.9 billion tonnes in 2023.

Extending until data released.

@DismalScientist Just clarifying - is this for the 2022 number, which will be published in 2023? Or the figures for 2023?

@MattCWilson The figures for 2023

@DismalScientist ooooh ok! Going to hold off on my position then until we see OWID publish the 2022 numbers. ๐Ÿ˜„ Thank you for clarifying!

Looks like a pretty consistent upwards trend (barring 2020, which was an outlier for obvious reasons). https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/global-co2-fossil-plus-land-use?time=1990..latest&country=~OWID_WRL