Elon Musk drafted to work on a project for USGov any time through 2031

Elon Musk will be personally drafted or compelled by law or other threats to work for the US government in a technical or other leadership position for at least 30 days any time through 2031

If a qualifying legal demand is made but Musk does not serve it still counts.


  • Musk required to lead a new Manhattan project

  • Musk forced to lead usgov industrial relations team with us industrial leaders

  • Musk required to give technical input on plans

  • Musk offered reduced jail or fines or other government penalties in exchange for personally helping some effort. Although not directly being drafted, this is basically equivalent to being forced to do something.

Doesn't count

  • Special tax or fines on musk to pay for gov military but without his personal time

  • Musk factories nationalized without option to refuse to produce goods for usgov such as tanks, or other military , but Musk not required to help

Warning: if something like this does occur it may be subjective. I'll input the conditions above to beat available AI and LLM judgment systems along with a description of what we know happened and use that system to get a direction on how to resolve this issue.

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Is there any precedent for this? I don’t think coercing knowledge workers works very well. I think even in like WWII all the industrialists involved in the war effort volunteered their services, or the govt told a company that they had to produce a certain type of goods and my guess is that executives at the company were free to leave if they wanted, even if very few did.