Will the name of a hurricane be included in any question asked during any 2024 Presidential debate?
Oct 11

This market will resolve YES if the name given to any hurricane is included in any question during any televised Presidential debate in 2024.

The name must be used to refer to a hurricane. For example, if some person with a coincidentally identical name is asked about then that would not count.

The intention is that this market would resolve YES in the event that disaster relief for some hurricane becomes a topic of the debate, although it will resolve YES if any hurricane is explicitly mentioned in any question for any reason.

Mention of a hurricane by a candidate in their answer will not be sufficient.

If a specific 2024 hurricane is clearly implicated by a question without the name itself being stated, then I will use my best judgement to resolve this market in accordance with its intention.

This market will resolve NO if no such question has been asked in a televised debate before the 2024 Presidential election. (I will resolve it NO as soon as it is quite clear that there will be no more Presidential debates.)
