Who will dive / jump / swim in the Seine before Paris Olympis 2024 ?
Jul 31
Laurent Nuñez (Paris prefect of police)
Marc Guillaume (Paris regional prefect)
Anne Hidalgo (Mayor of Paris)
Emmanuel Macron (do I really need to clarify ?)


Sorry, I couldn't find a good news article in English so I took whatever I found.

Anne Hidalgo (mayor of Paris) is reportedly planning to dive in the Seine river on June 23rd, 2024. It also has been reported that Laurent Nuñez, Marc Guillaume plan to go with her, and there are rumors about Emmanuel Macron taking a bath too.

This market resolves YES if and only if this happens on the planned date. There won't be technicalities about the exact way they enter the water, as long as they go into the water.

Each option has to happen before the opening ceremony of the Olympics to resolve YES.

It has to be official, and reported in the news. By official, I mean it has to be clear that whoever gets their option resolves to YES did it on publically and on purpose. For example, someone reportedly taking a bath in the Seine river due to a complete accident wouldn't make their option resolve YES.

As usual, feel free to ask questions.

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