French 2024 parliamentary elections -- multi-question. Final round July 7th.
Jul 15
Will National Rally win 200+ seats?
Will there be a hung parliament? Defined as no majority coalition formed by July 14th (week after second round).
Will voter turnout for second round (July 7th) be reported above 70%
Will New Popular Front (leftwing alliance) win 150+ seats?
Will National Rally win (form ruling coalition)?
Will National Rally win 250+ seats?
Will Ensemble coalition (Macron's coalition) win 100+ seats?
Will Ensemble coalition (Macron's coalition) form or be part of majority?
Will New Popular Front (leftwing alliance) form or be part of majority?
Will New Popular Front (leftwing alliance) win 200+ seats?
Will National Rally win outright (absolute majority of seats, without need for partners)?
Will Ensemble coalition (Macron's coalition) win 150+ seats?
Ensemble coalition (Macron's coalition) win 69 or fewer seats?

Let's have fun, place some bets, and learn about the French parliamentary system.

Here is how it works. There are 577 seats in French parliament aka "National Assembly" -- including overseas territories.

There are two rounds of voting. The first on June 30th, and the second on Sunday July 7th. After all second round votes are counted, we will know the party of each of the 577 assembly members.

At that point the parties will negotiate (usually, quite quickly) to determine what will be the winning / ruling coalition that has a parliamentary majority.

Most focus is on two parties / coalitions
1. Macron's centrist "Ensemble coalition" that is expected to lose, but may pull out a win if the National Rally (LePen's coalition) is not able to win an absolute majority.
2. LePen's National Rally -- right wing and the favorite

3. Left wing coalition "New Popular Front" -- seen as more likely to form a ruling coalition than Macron's centrist group or LePen's right wing group

These names may change... such is French politics. But it will be very clear what happened. Probably by evening of July 7th, or a day or so after.

As of June 30th -- before first round results have been announced, here is some information we have.

National Rally is over 95% chance to win the election (but perhaps with a partner)

According to this article, polling suggests that National Rally would get about 37% of the vote and projected to win close to ~50% of the seats. Close to enough for absolute majority of 577 but could be close.

Let's face it -- unless you a French or expert in parliamentary systems... you probably don't understand all of this. But place a wager anyway. Let's learn how this system works.

Viva la France! 🇫🇷🥖🗳️

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More projections
RN [right wing] - 190-220
NFP [left wing] - 159-183
Macron coalition [centrist] - 110-135

Predictions [from the post]

RN far from being able to rule with absolute majority

all these major groups hate each other so hung parliament seems likely [but we'll see]

Added some more liquidity. Let's have fun here.

day after first round, detailed projections from someone who does understand French elections

Avec les résultats du premier tour, le modèle donne ça :

- RN et LR-Ciotti : 274 (263 - 284)

- NFP : 126 (120 - 132)

- Ensemble : 102 (96 - 109)

Next round voting on Sunday 07/07 -- so votes will change. But these are good projections now for the three big parties.

RN projected NOT to make a majority on their own... but it's somewhat close.

election map after the first round -- purple is RN

from the same official site, you can see overall % by party -- again in the first round

but looks like RN (LePen's party) got 29% which is less than the 34% they were projected to get

as some commentators pointed out, the left wing alliance (27.99%) had very strong voter turnout in the urban areas -- so geographically quite distinct

Voter turnout below 70% in first round. 66% according to official figures. Thanks for the link!

Will voter turnout for first round (June 30th) be reported above 70%?

Another good update from exit polls. Remember this is the first round. Re-vote next week.

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