Who will be the next Speaker of the US House of Representatives if the main market resolves to "Other"?
resolved Oct 25
The main market will not resolve to "Other"
Steve Womack
Pete Sessions
Gary Palmer


As the US House descends further into chaos, the main "Who will be the next Speaker" market has reached its limit of 100 options.

If none of the people named among the 100 options there becomes the next Speaker, the market will resovle to Other so you can keep trading the Other option on there.

You can also add further options in this market. If one of the named options in the main market becomes the next Speaker, this market will resolve to "The main market will not resovle to Other", so every other option in this market should add up to the same odds as "Other" in the main market.

All of the same rules as apply as the main market. In particular:

  • These market will resolve to the name of the next person to permanently take the role of the Speaker. An acting Speaker, a temporary Speaker or anyone who fills in so that a Speaker can be elected will not be counted (unless they go on to become the permanent speaker)

  • Patrick McHenry is currently the Speaker pro tempore. If he starts to carry out House business or is granted more of the powers of Speaker, this market will not resolve to him unless he formally becomes the Speaker of the House.

Before adding a new option to this market - please check the main market very carefully to make sure that the new option you're adding hasn't alredy been added there. If a name is duplicated in the main market and this market, it cannot win on this market.

And please avoid joke answers. These markets only allow 100 options so the people adding Pooper McButt and Kodos to the main market filled up those options and made this market necessary sooner than it should have been. There's nothing wrong with adding unlikely answers (George Santos and Paul Ryan are both currently at 0.0%) but please avoid fictional characters or answers that aren't people!

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