Will any LLM correctly answer the question "why doesn't the rocket equation apply to airplanes?" before 2026?

GPT-4 confabulates nonsense.

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predicts YES

This question seems more interesting than I first expected.

Based on the market description ("GPT-4 confabulates nonsense.") I expected a really terrible answer. I think we've all seen ChatGPT really choke on some topics. I consistently get answers similar to the one @ftkurt posted here, which to me seems not-bad. I've heard worse answers from Physics TAs when they're not prepped on a subject.

I think what the OP is looking for here (correct me if I'm wrong though), more than the yes/no, is demonstrated understanding of how the principles of the rocket equation do and do not apply to an airplane. E.g.:

  • An airplane loses mass and gains efficiency as it burns fuel. This is the core of the R.E., so you could say it applies.

  • When a rocket burns fuel, it is accelerating. Most of the time that an airplane burns fuel, it is not accelerating, only maintaining steady-state. Delta_v (what's calculated in the R.E.) is mostly meaningless in this case, so you could say the R.E. doesn't apply.

I expected that I could get this from GPT-4 pretty easily, with a slightly modified prompt or some priming. Then I'd come back and tell the OP it knows the information, it just doesn't come out on this exact phrasing of the question. But it's surprisingly consistent in its answers. First, it really wants to let you know it's the *Tsiolkovsky* rocket equation, I even have a custom instruction for concise outputs, and it always seems to slip that in, not important to this market, but interesting. Second, it seems to know that the difference has something to do with atmosphere, but it won't get to any real point about it. I feel like I've seen models get questions at about this level, especially with chain-of-though prompts.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind if this resolved yes on the current answers. I think they're well above "nonsense". But I'm also ok waiting, the GPT-4 response isn't as strong as I expected, and I think next-gen models will be able to give a much more complete explanation, especially if we allow a follow-up (even a generic one, like "give me a more technically accurate answer"). Even today's models with a slightly more physics heavy training distribution might get it.

predicts NO

@robm I'd like a correct answer of the form "it does apply, but it's a less useful framing because air resistance is a much more important factor" or similar. I think the current answers it gives pretty clearly demonstrate that it doesn't understand the underlying physics.

predicts YES

I had a detailed discussion with ChatGPT 4 (GPT-4-Turbo) and I learned a lot about the rocket equation and different methods of propulsion. I feel like at least this LLM understands the rocket equation and how it does not apply for airplanes:


My own (non-expert) opinion: I really do not see how one can argue that the rocket equation applies to airplanes, whether jet engines or prop planes, without vastly simplifying things. The rocket equation feels like a square peg for a round hole here, where one has to abuse m_initial to include the mass of air processed, which goes against the nature of the closed system implied by the rocket equation. A 737 certainly does not have an initial mass including all the air it will compress and eject during flight. I am more than happy to be wrong here, but I am pretty convinced the rocket equation is the wrong tool for understanding airplanes.

A small argument can be made it applies to a fraction of delta v for jet engines. However, prop planes do not utilize their fuel at all for expulsion, and therefore to get the rocket equation to sort of kind of fit you have to consider the mass of the air sped up by the props. Otherwise the delta v of a prop plane is zero…

predicts NO

@Supermaxman Jet engines still have a specific impulse, it's just a lot higher than rocket engines since they have additional reaction mass. The exact same principles apply.


predicts YES

@IsaacKing Perhaps this question is way too vague, because discussing general specific impulse is an entirely different question than the “rocket equation” which is commonly referring to the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation:


This equation does not make sense for airplanes, period. I really do not know what would satisfy you as an answer here, as it seems like you expect the LLM to discuss all tangentially related areas of physics. Specific impulse is a very general concept, but the rocket equation is not and has very clear limitations, as outlined in my chat, that cause it to not make sense for airplanes.

If you need a specific counter-example: prop planes. m_0 for a prop plane and m_f would clearly include the fuel of the airplane, if we were to apply the rocket equation, yes? But this results in an incorrect delta v calculation, as the fuel produced by a prop plane is NOT utilized as propellant. The only m_0 term would actually be the mass of the air propelled by the propeller, and even then the equation implies the airplane has an initial mass including the entire mass of the air interacted with.

predicts YES

@IsaacKing The only tangentially similar equations I can find which apply to airplanes are provided here:


For calculating the range of the aircraft, there are significantly different derivations for jet engines vs prop planes vs electric planes. These airplane equations hardly resemble the rocket equation. If you feel all of these derivations are actually applications of the rocket equation (and not first principle derivations) then there is never going to be a convincing answer by a LLM for you, in my opinion.

predicts NO

@Supermaxman The linked conversation contains all sorts of elementary errors; a particularly egregious example being that ChatGPT claims the total Delta-v of an airliner is 84.3 m/s, which is obviously wrong given that their cruising speed alone is higher than that. (It failed to understand the difference between exhaust velocity and effective exhaust velocity, and just plugged the former in in place of the latter.) Also note how when you asked it to reformulate the rocket equation for an airplane, it just gave you back the exact same rocket equation with no changes, despite having just told you that some modifications would be needed in order to account for the different principles at play.

If you have a friend who has some familiarity with rocketry or physics I'd recommend that you talk it over with them and they might be able to help you understand the physics involved, but if you're just going to keep insisting that ChatGPT is correct without checking its work, this does not seem like a conversation that's going anywhere. I think you're getting bamboozled by the fact that ChatGPT speaks in a very authoritative tone and so you intuitively want to trust that it knows what it's talking about, but if you actually read what it's saying and think carefully about it, you'll see it's complete word salad.

@IsaacKing Again, uncharitable. The 84.3 m/s is what you get if you apply the rocket equation to a jet airplane, based on the definition of the rocket equation. It is accurate that the delta v of a jet is 84.3 m/s from the ejected fuel mass. The rocket equation (as-is) does NOT include the mass of propelled air, the air a jet compresses and launches to gain most of its delta v, which is clearly discussed in the chat above and which is derived further in our conversation. I am done discussing this issue and have liquidated, because this market is actually just “convince me that this LLM holds the same beliefs as me” and I believe these beliefs are wrong. The rocket equation does not apply to airplanes, with any recognized definition of “rocket equation” and “apply” and “airplanes” I can find.


why doesn't the rocket equation apply to airplanes?


The rocket equation, also known as the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation, specifically applies to the propulsion of rockets which operate by ejecting mass (exhaust gases) at high speed in one direction to produce thrust in the opposite direction, in accordance with Newton's third law of motion. Airplanes, however, rely on air-breathing engines that take in air, use it to burn fuel, and then expel it to produce thrust. They operate within the Earth's atmosphere and use lift generated by their wings to counteract gravity, rather than propelling themselves through the expulsion of mass in the vacuum of space.

I dont know what would count as correct if this one is not.

@Fatih Well first off, most of the "differences" that ChatGPT claims exist between the two engine types are not actually differences.

  • Jet engines also eject mass at high speed in one direction to produce thrust in the opposite direction.

  • Jet engines also operate by Newton's third law of motion.

  • Rockets also often operate within the Earth's atmosphere.

Secondly, simply providing as list of differences is not an explanation. The two differences that ChatGPT does get correct; that rocket engines are not air-breathing and that airplanes use wings to generate lift; are tangentially related, but ChatGPT does not explain how they are related, just presents them as standalone facts. Would we expect an air-breathing rocket engine to be subject to the rocket equation? How about a helicopter, which is air-breathing but doesn't have wings? How about an airplane that's powered by a rocket engine? There's no way to know from ChatGPT's explanation, since it's not an explanation at all; it's an attempt to guess the teacher's password. If a human gave this answer it'd be obvious that they don't understand the relevant physics and are just saying words that seem like they might be related in the hopes that the other person accepts the argument from authority.

(And this is particularly clear in this case since its lack of understanding causes it to get the answer wrong. The rocket equation does apply to airplanes.)

@IsaacKing I think this is being unfairly critiqued. Here’s a chat where I asked most of your follow up questions and, while not an expert in aerodynamics or rockets, I was very satisfied with the answers:


@Supermaxman I don't understand the purpose of your comment. The linked discussion with ChatGPT is complete nonsense, including many mistakes I already explained in my previous comment, along with new ones like claiming that a ramjet is a type of rocket engine.

predicts YES

@IsaacKing I have included a discussion on your perceived error and I still think youre being a little uncharitable:


Please point out specific errors you feel it is making.

predicts YES


Wiki for ramjets: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramjet

Ramjets can be particularly appropriate in applications requiring a small, simple mechanism for high-speed use, such as missiles.

Wiki missiles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missile

Historically, missile referred to any projectilethat is thrown, shot or propelled towards a target; this usage is still recognized today with any unguided jet- or rocket-propelled weapons generally described as rocket artillery.

Wiki for rocket artillery: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_artillery

Rocket artillery is artillery that uses rockets as the projectile.

So yes ramjets are used for military rockets. Not every rocket has to go to space.

predicts YES

@Fatih Certainly not a rocket that has an air intake, unless it is headed to Mars!

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