Resolves based on the main markets on these two topics
@deagol Apologies, I misunderstood the market. I'd just resolved one about whether he'd be late on a loan in 2024, so I incorrectly assumed this was the same. Hope the brief resolution didn't mess things up too much.
@mods creator >1mo inactive. Title and answers state "ever/never" and descriptions refers to another market that resolves at the end of this month (and I guess it could extend if @Tumbles takes on new loans), so could this be reopened until then? Thanks.
@Agh I know you'd set it to close next year, but then it got resolved by mistake, then unresolved and the close was set back to Feb 1. Could you extend again? thanks.
Good market! Adding it to the Tumbles Financial Complex dashboard!
Related: /Tumbles/during-which-month-will-tumbles-be
Related: /bluefrog/depending-on-the-2024-potus-electio