UK General Election 2024: how will the national vote be split?
Jul 4
Liberal Democrat
Scottish National Party

Each answer resolves to the share of the national popular vote received by each of the main parties in the 2024 UK General Election, with named parties rounded to the nearest full percentage. i.e. if results were the same as 2019 then this would resolve 44% Conservative, 32% Labour, 4% SNP, 12% Liberal Democrat, 8% other.

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Noitfilled aαΉ€6 Labour NO at 46% order

This market is now part of this dashboard: UK General Election.

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What happens if you believe that the situation at the moment looks about right? Can you invest in this market with No change from current average?

@HarryHayfield Set limit orders around the current position. If someone comes in and tries to bet e.g. Conservatives up to 40% then a limit order of NO at 30% will automatically buy when that price is reached.

You can see I’ve got a YES limit order on Labour at 35%, and a YES on Conservative at 18%, because I believe those are hard limits that won’t be breached and I want to profit if someone tried to push past them.

Noitfilled aαΉ€6 Labour NO at 46% order

This market is now part of this dashboard: UK General Election.