Will OpenAI begin rolling out the new GPT-4o voice mode before July 15th?
Jul 25

Resolves YES if, from now until through July 14th, some portion of non-insider users are able to use the fancier voice mode (as opposed to the current text to speech system) that can, for example, talk faster or slower at will, or change the emotion and tone of the voice. That is, it roughly matches the GPT-4o demo. However, it will still resolve YES if there are additional restrictions on the voice mode, but it's still clearly the same system that was in the demo.

Resolves NO otherwise. Solely ugrades to the text to speech which are not the system that was in the demo will resolve as no. It must be called something with "4o" on the name, and must be available on the ChatGPT website or app, otherwise it resolves no.

Question idea from @Flowers, who had a similar question that ends today, June 24th.

I will let myself bet in this market because it's fairly unambiguous resolution criteria. If there is any unexpected ambiguity, the question will resolve to yes if 90% is hit and sustained above 89% for 3 days any time after July 25th, or to no if 10% is hit and sustained below 11% for 3 days any time after July 25th.

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How does this resolve if they gave access to some users and then roll it back before July 15th? Particularly if the rollout wasn't intentional

The original wording says "from now until through July 14th" and "before July 15th." Since nothing in the question says "during" or "at" July 15th," etc., I would think that it would resolve YES, unless some other condition was not met (e.g., it says GPT 4.5 on the app instead of being accessed through or saying 4o).

More videos are being posted; if I see any that contain new relevant information, I'll post the link. It seems like there might be a substantial number of users with access soon, if this trend continues.

This user said:

"Yes it's in the paid version" of ChatGPT, and "[i]t's from my phone I'm on Android."

This likely will resolve to yes, as one or more user(s) now have access:



https://lemmy.world/post/16895728 (this link is not access to the features, but the menu is the same as the person with the full video.

Another screenshot of the invite without the feature: https://i0.wp.com/www.androidsage.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/ChatGPT-v1.2024.170-features-Advanced-Voice-Mode.jpg

However, the video does not confirm it is "called something with '4o' on the name" (although it is very likely it is, e.g., you select GPT-4o and then click on a button), and I also have to wait for reasonable confirmation that this is on the ChatGPT website or app.

If the current system is revealed to be part of GPT-4o (as opposed to, e.g., a separate app or GPT-5) and can be accessed through the typical website or app, it will resolve to yes.

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