Manifold Sentiment Prediction (POTUS Election 2024)
Oct 21
Odds of Democrat victory rise to 60%
Odds of Democrat victory rise to 59%
Odds of Democrat victory rise to 58%

Use to be derivative of: /ManifoldPolitics/which-party-will-win-the-2024-us-pr-f4158bf9278a
Now is derivative of: /ManifoldPolitics/will-trump-win-the-2024-election

If Manifold Politics switches from that market to another one to promote as their primary advertised election market, this market's criteria will shift to be based on that new market. In that case there will be a cooldown period after the move during which this market's options can't resolve for 48 hours.

Each option resolves YES if the linked market displays the specified odds (or higher) FOR AT LEAST THREE HOURS.

Each remaining option resolves NO at this market's scheduled close date.

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As per the description the underlying market has changed. The link to the new one is in the description

Preemptively, in case anyone brings this up, there is currently a bug in the graph of the presidential market showing it having been at D 61% for 10 hours, but if you take a look at the actual trading history it was only at these odds for less than an hour, reverting back to where it's currently trading (D 54-55), so this clearly does not fulfill the conditions of the markets still open here.

Has now been at 57% for 3 hours

the market has been at 57% for ~40 minutes

bought Ṁ325 Odds of Democrat vic... YES

@Tumbles Dem 56% Resolves YES.


I've noticed a slight discrepancy between percentages displayed in the bar graph, the line graph, and the trading log. Which one are you using to resolve here?

I think the trading log is best if it really comes down to it

Odds of Democrat victory rise to 55%
bought Ṁ50 Odds of Democrat vic... YES

@Tumbles I believe it’s been at 55% for 3 hours based on this. Can it be resolved yes?

bought Ṁ1,500 Odds of Democrat vic... YES

@Tumbles Please resolve YES.

Odds of Democrat victory rise to 55%
bought Ṁ50 Odds of Democrat vic... YES

@Tumbles Dems at 55 for the last 30 min. We’ll see if it holds

Fell back down to 54 🤦‍♂️

If the linked does not close in time one option will quickly jump to 99.8%

@KongoLandwalker Close time in this market is oct 21 so that won’t be a problem

@traders Important edit to the description, this market is meant to be based on whatever Manifold Politics' primary election market is

I really like the colour scheme