Will proof emerge that OpenAI's "Sky" voice was trained on Scarlett Johansson's voice?
Aug 1

Resolves based on the spirit of the question. If no evidence emerges either way by close, resolves NO. Close date will be extended if seems likely evidence will emerge later (for instance ongoing legal proceeding).

Edge cases: If the voice model was trained on general voice data that included her voice, and then finetuned on a different person's voice, that would resolve no.

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OpenAI didn’t copy Scarlett Johansson’s voice for ChatGPT, records show

A different actress was hired to provide the voice for ChatGPT’s “Sky,” according to documents and recordings shared with the Washington Post.

bought Ṁ10 NO

I would expect it's not ideal to train a voice model just on what's available of ScarJo's voice through interviews and movies. I would expect that it would be far more reliable to use a voice actor.

bought Ṁ350 NO from 8% to 6%


Wow, wild. This market still probably resolves NO but still.

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