Will Donald Trump win the 2024 Election?
Nov 5

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BTW there are currently polls (edit: markets) that say 60% that either Trump or Biden wins. Arbitrage potential here.

bought Ṁ50 NO

Prediction markets are not polls! https://outsidetheasylum.blog/prediction-markets-are-not-polls/

And thanks for the free alpha. Usually the bots get there first like @AdityaGupta @burkebot

Sorry I meant markets. Although I would argue that they are sort of unbalanced probability polls if we assume rational actors.

kinda cool to see I've been noticed!

Re-opened with a more reasonable closing time.


Was this meant to close this year?

it's totally possible - remember his campaign seemed like a longshot in 2015 too!

Will Donald Trump win the 2024 Election?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition