Which of Baba Vanga’s (Bulgarian mystic) 2024 predictions will come true?
Dec 31
1. Assassination attempts on Putin
2. Terrorist attacks will increase in Europe
3. Huge economic crisis
4. Terrifying climate events
5. Cyber attacks
6. Medical breakthroughs
7. Tech revolutions

Her believers across the world continue to place their earnest faith on her.

For 2024, she has made seven prophecies. They are:

1. Assassination attempts on Putin

Baba had a vision that Russian president Vladimir Putin would be assassinated by someone.

2. Terrorist attacks will increase in Europe

According to Baba Vanga, a "big country" will carry out biological weapons tests or attacks in 2024. She has also predicted that terrorists attack Europe. (For this any big biological wepons tests or an attack in Europe with more than 100 dead will count).

3. Huge economic crisis

A major economic crisis is about to erupt next year, predicted Baba. She highlighted several contributing factors such as an increase in debt levels, further geopolitical tensions, and economic power shifting from the West to the East.

4. Terrifying climate events

The mystic predicted that there would be an orbit alteration which usually takes place over a long period of time. However, if this happens over a short period of time, it could spark issues including climate disruption and a spike in radiation levels. (Terrifying climate events for any reason count for this, they have to be significantly worse than previous events).

5. Cyber attacks

She stated there will be a rise in cyber attacks as advanced hackers will directly look at vital infrastructure such as power grids and water treatment plants. She predicted it will lead to a national security threat.

6. Medical breakthroughs

In the field of medical science, Baba says that there will be a major breakthrough. New treatments will be invented for incurable diseases like the Alzheimer's. She also predicted there will be a cure for cancer in 2024. (For this a cure for cancer or a different big medical breakthrough will count).

7. Tech revolutions

Finally, there will be a major breakthrough in quantum computing.

Taken from this website Assassination attempts on Putin to calamitous climate events: Here are Baba Vanga’s 2024 predictions.

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#5 seems way too vague. These already happen to varying degrees of success. What % increase counts? Do they need to be successful?

#3 is likewise vague. If some countries economy has a crisis, does that count? What if it's not a top 10 economy?

If the US economy shrinks 20% is that a sufficient crisis? What about 10%?

Last year we had major banks fail, would that count as a crisis?

@Abraxas for #5 I'd say the global damage has to be 100% larger than in 2023. Inflation adjusted. With humans dying counting as much as the local government would have payed to save them.

For #3 the effect COVID had would have counted in and the great recession would have counted. Those are the only events that would have counted since 2000. So it should be about as large as those events.

I don't have time to look up how much the global economy shrunk during those two events but if the Global economy shrinks as much as one of them it counts.

@justifieduseofFallibilism That helps, thank you!

More generally, do the predictions have to match, or does there merely need to be one element of truth in the prediction? Adding details to predictions famously make them sound more plausible while making them a lot less so

@TheBayesian can you be a bit more specific? I mostly tried to clarify what is needed for a resolution if the article was too vague.

@justifieduseofFallibilism I’m especially thinking of

3) A major economic crisis is about to erupt next year, predicted Baba. She highlighted several contributing factors such as an increase in debt levels, further geopolitical tensions, and economic power shifting from the West to the East.

I think an economic crisis is plausible, but not one that is caused by increase in debt AND geop tensions AND economic power shifting from west to east. Mb, thanks for the clarifications though

for 1), the title seems to imply a different thing than the description. Does there merely need to be some half-assed assassination attempt, or does it need to be successful?

@TheBayesian good point, the article itself is contradictory on that. Let's say any attempt that got pretty close e.g. a bomb (that could have killed Putin) going off but it turns out Putin was staying somewhere else. And western news have to report it.