Will Kyiv remain in the 10 least livable cities in 2024?
Sep 1

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) annually ranks cities by livability, releasing a free summary report every summer. The Global Livability Index 2023 ranked Kyiv at 165th out of 173 cities "owing to the damage the war has done to its stability, infrastructure and general liveability." Here are all of the 10 least livable cities of 2023:

164. Douala (Cameroon)

165. Kyiv (Ukraine)

166. Harare (Zimbabwe)

167. Dhaka (Bangladesh)

168. Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea)

169. Karachi (Pakistan)

170. Lagos (Nigeria)

171. Algiers (Algeria)

172. Tripoli (Libya)

173. Damascus (Syria)

Will Kyiv remain among the bottom 10 least livable cities in the EIU's Global Livability Index 2024?

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tangential but is there a way to see the whole list, curious about US cities in the rankings!

@vlad I think you'd need to buy some kind of subscription to EIU to get the full list.

@cash The report costs 800 euros.

@Magnus_ A free version is available for the top and bottom ten though.

@cash True. But if you want a list of all American cities in the report you have to pay.

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