☀️What will happen in June 2024? [ADD RESPONSES]
2 hours ago
February starts
March starts
April starts
May starts
Donald Trump wins debate against Joe Biden, as judged by chris (@strutheo), resolving N/A if no debate is held
It's the hottest June on record globally
>= 20% of Manifold users (excluding "no opinion") believe that weak AGI has been achieved when a one-week poll is posted by @SteveSokolowski on June 23, 2024
It's the hottest June on record in the US
Net month-to-month job losses in the United States
a tesla catches fire as reported by mainstream news / https://www.tesla-fire.com/
Eliezer Yudkowsky is alive during the entire month
Donald Trump favored to become President, according to Betfair, on June 30, 2024 at 11:59:59pm EDT
A hurricane or typhoon forms somewhere on the planet
Anthropic or Meta release a new model
Donald Trump debates Joe Biden
destiny sets foot in israel
The European People's Party will remain the biggest party in the European parliament
nVidia stock rises above $135 during normal, premarket, or aftermarket hours
nVidia becomes the largest company in the history of the world (by market capitalization)
An original, Nintendo approved game with "Mario" in its title is announced
Jimmy Carter alive at end of month
Jimmy Carter dethroned as #1 on market “Who will be Manifold’s Person Of The Year 2024” for at least 24 hours
Starliner is in orbit
Starship Launch

I reserve the right to NA any answer for any reason, to combat duplicates or abuse.

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Donald Trump favored to become President, according to Betfair, on June 30, 2024 at 11:59:59pm EDT

@SteveSokolowski @strutheo
couple of minutes early but it is clear enough
Trump 1.76
Biden 5.9

a tesla catches fire as reported by mainstream news / https://www.tesla-fire.com/
bought Ṁ100 a tesla catches fire... YES

few days ago, teslas on fire in front of california dealership reported by cbs


bought Ṁ10 Answer #llxyky9j1z YES

@TheAllMemeingEye @strutheo Does this count as a hit piece? EA isn't the only target, but it is specifically called out a few times.

Sam Bankman-Fried funded a group with racist ties. FTX wants its $5m back | Silicon Valley | The Guardian

I don't think that's an EA hit piece, personally.

bought Ṁ100 a tesla catches fire... YES

not really yeah... i can poll if other ppl strongly think so

bought Ṁ309 a tesla catches fire... YES

I definitely thought it counted (see comment chain below.) It's a bit of an edge case though because it's clearly 1) a hit piece 2) against EA, but it's not primarily against EA unless you count Lightcone as EA

that comment chain has the person who added this option maintaining that it doesn't count for a yes resolution, though.

it's not a hit piece against the movement - it's a hit against SBF/FTX and taking pot shots at Lightcone who isn't in and of itself, "the EA Movement" even if they support and work towards its/similar principles.

@shankypanky Yeah, that's fair. I agree that the actual connection to EA is pretty tenuous.

But I think the author of the article wants people to conclude through a long chain of guilt by association that EA is racist.

disagree on that - I think that's a bit of a leap.

and "wants people to conclude through a long chain of guilt by association" isn't a hit piece about the movement, which is mentioned but not a focus.

The European People's Party will remain the biggest party in the European parliament
A hurricane or typhoon forms somewhere on the planet
bought Ṁ39 Eliezer Yudkowsky is... YES

Eliezer is just free money? How are his chances so close to Chomsky's?

You can't bring a binary option above 99% anymore, so there's no free money there

Ah that makes sense lol

@strutheo This can resolve NO.

trying to figure out time - i think it might havev been after since he used recorded clips

bought Ṁ70 Answer #c88d5a3ffe14 NO

That wasn't a "town hall" as it's usually defined, was it? It was just a reply to their debate answers.

bought Ṁ50 Answer #38dfe38c80f7 NO

Every definition of a "town hall" I've been able to find centered around answering questions from the public/audience, not fellow politicians or debate moderators.

Anthropic or Meta release a new model
bought Ṁ220 Anthropic or Meta re... YES



a week to go!

nVidia becomes the largest company in the history of the world (by market capitalization)

By my calculations, Nvidia got up to 3.353T today but previously Apple had been worth 3.376T
I guess it will happen but I think not yet.

Our models are showing that there's less than a 50% buy confidence on nvidia now, compared to the all-time record 93% two weeks ago.

Meanwhile, AMD has soared to 74%, from 30% - in an "altcoin effect."

I think that it will be very close as to whether nVidia continues upward or whether this bubble is over for a few months. I rotated some money from nVidia to AMD today.

3.43T now so that does it so no need to unresolve now.

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