Will another person immolate themself in 2024 as a protest against the Israeli destruction of Gaza?

The person must set themself on fire and we must have evidence that their motivation for doing so was the desire for an end of Israel's accused genocide of the Gazan people. If they mention Israel/Palestine more broadly, this will resolve Yes (unless they indicate they are only talking about some other regional political issue).

This market is in response to the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell, an active United States airman, as he repeatedly screamed "Free Palestine" in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C.

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bought Ṁ400 YES

@Panfilo would this count if its reported somewhere a little more officially? Even if it's not directly about I/P, but more about his county's response to the war?

@mint This could resolve Yes as long as the ultimate issue is confirmed to be I/P and Gaza. Osint Defender's data is usually alright but their tone can be biased, so let's wait for more details to emerge though.

Unrelated to Gaza, but another self-immolation has taken place in the US. Sounds politically incoherent. Just deeply sad.


"we must have evidence that their motivation for doing so was the desire for an end of Israel's accused genocide of the Gazan people"

The IDF will likely capture Rafah relatively soon, and then the war ends. Buying NO.

@nathanwei they could still protest the occupation, no?

@benjaminIkuta They could still protest the existence of Israel…

I would discourage anyone who hasn't seen his video from watching it; at least stop before the protest itself. Truly emotionally disturbing. He seemed perfectly lucid.

opened a Ṁ250 YES at 50% order

iirc this is the 2nd recent incidence in protest to Israel

@Stralor Atlanta, right? This one is getting VASTLY more coverage though, which is why I think there could be more.

bought Ṁ40 YES from 50% to 53%

@Panfilo agreed

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